On the bench today are some earrings in process; I'm working on the silver to fit white topaz and garnet stones with different dimensions. Also on the bench is the fork tine I need to shape in order to set the stones. And at the top of the picture are some pieces of silver I cast years ago. Interesting pieces; I found them while looking for an opal triplet I created years ago.
I wonder what I had in mind for them - if anything. I might have just been playing with the pink sheet wax to see what I could do. Now I have an idea for them to be used in a bracelet. The two odd pieces out will probably become earrings.
The Fatal Ineffectiveness Of The Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) Chain
of Custody Scheme
Author’s introduction: This section of the Ethical Jewelry Exposé
discussing the RJC Chain of Custody Scheme documents weak enforcement and
double standard...
5 years ago